.ie Domain Profile Report 2020 - January to June 2020

Analysis of .ie domain database and growth Analysis of .ie   domains by type There were 295,794 .ie domains in the database at the end of H1 2020, an 8.3% increase on the same period last year. The database has grown 43.6% on the same period five years ago (H1 2015). The strong 25.8% year-on-year growth in new .ie domain registrations can be linked to the Covid-19 lockdown. Over 40% of new .ie registrations on the island of Ireland were registered in May and June, as businesses eventually reacted to the consequences of the Government’s first closure orders. With main streets temporarily shut down, more businesses went online for the first time or registered new domains to stay connected with their customers and maintain revenue. In the first half of 2020, the majority of .ie domains in the database were companies and self-employed business owners (78.4%) . The .ie domain remains the domain of choice for Irish businesses that want to prove to their local and international customers that they have a real connection to Ireland. In H1 2020 new .ie domain registrations by individuals increased significantly, by 35.3% year-on-year . The .ie domain remains a powerful, authentically Irish personal branding tool that the owner fully controls. Factors like social media restrictions (e.g. no ownership of content and limitations on audience reach) and the Covid-19 lockdown have encouraged growth. Total .ie domain database by domain holder type TOTAL DATABASE NEW REGISTRATIONS New .ie domain registrations in H1 2020 by domain holder type *’Other’ includes non-business groups and associations, like clubs, bands, community groups, and other informal bodies. 50.7% Companies 16.1% Individuals 1.5% Schools or   educational   institutions 27.7% Self-employed 1.5% Government  bodies 2.5% Other* 36.1% Companies 39.5% Individuals 0.6% Schools or   educational   institutions 22.7% Self-employed 0.4% Government   bodies 0.7% Other* Î 25.8% increase in new .ie registrations   (H1 2019 v H1 2020) 1 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2020 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 295,794 205,923 217,374 230,611 252,222 273,156 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2020 18,868 18,179 20,255 28,126 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 33,286 26,452 ¢ Registered .ie domains   at 30 June each year ˜ New .ie registrations   for H1 each year Net growth  (registrations – deletions) Î 34.7% (H1 2019 v H1 2020)